Free Missing Money - Search for Unclaimed Property

Unclaimed Assets: Money The Government Owes You!

Missing Money Search - Find Abandoned Funds and Unclaimed Property

Find missing money and unclaimed property

missing money unclaimed property search Search for unclaimed money held by government agencies

There is no central repository or true national database for unclaimed funds. Each state and government agency maintains it's own lost money list.

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Search for unclaimed money in every state where family members have lived or worked.  Also check popular corporate domiciles like New York and  Delaware.
Check all variations of your name, including maiden and previous married names, middle names, initials, even nicknames and common misspellings. Do the same for deceased friends and relatives - you may be entitled to an unclaimed inheritance.
Family members are often unaware they're entitled to collect unclaimed money owed deceased relatives, who passed on without an updated will.
Billions of dollars in unclaimed money are held by federal agencies. U.S. Savings Bonds, IRS refunds, Social Security and VA benefits, etc. are not included in state unclaimed property databases.

Do you have unredeemed U.S. Savings Bonds? The value of unredeemed US Savings Bonds that have reached final maturity currently exceeds $17 billion. Savings Bond Search
Have you been contacted by a professional unclaimed property tracer? Companies like Keane, Venio and others demand 25% or more for information on unclaimed funds - find it yourself. Asset Tracers & Heir Finders
Do you have an unclaimed bank account or lost safe deposit box? Don't assume a forgotten bank account is lost, even if your bank merged or was insolvent. Funds may have been transferred, or you could collect deposit insurance. Unclaimed Bank Account Search
Are you entitled to unclaimed stock? Even if a company no longer exists, you may be entitled to shares, dividends or distributions after a merger or restructuring. Three million stockholders are are entitled to unclaimed stock and dividends worth $10 billion. Lost Stock Search
Are you a beneficiary in an unclaimed life insurance policy? More than one-quarter of all life insurance policy benefits go unclaimed and unpaid on death of the insured, because family members aren't aware a policy exists. Lost Life Insurance Search

unclaimed property

© 1996-2014 National Unclaimed Property Associates  Copyright strictly enforced.
As featured on CNBC and in USA Today
We are not affiliated with any other organization or government agency.
All marks are the property if their respective owners.
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